21 in '21 | Day 21


icon prayer


Ask yourself today, “Am I thankful?” While we all have moments when we forget to acknowledge God’s goodness, He wants our lives to be characterized by gratitude. Are you thankful for your present circumstances? Even if they aren’t ideal, is there some aspect of your situation for which you can praise God? Giving thanks to God, especially in difficult times, deprives the enemy of a foothold and invites God’s presence into your circumstances. There is power in a thankful heart! In particular, let’s praise Him that although we are still in a pandemic, our church doors will reopen tomorrow!

Lord Jesus, we want to start this portion of our day by thanking you. Your kindness to each of us has been lavish. Even in tough times, your presence and peace are invaluable gifts. Help us to focus today on your generosity and to defeat the enemy’s attempts to steal our joy. Thank you particularly for the regathering of our church tomorrow and for the live stream that will allow everyone to participate. We look forward to singing your praises in our Worship Center! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 95:1-7