21 in '21 | Day 17


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Today, let’s pray for the next generation of FBA. With all that has happened over the past year, it can be easy to worry about our children's future. We want to protect them from all of the chaos and confusion surrounding our world. However, God was not surprised by the events of the past year. He created and called our next generation for this exact moment in time. Let’s pray for them to walk in faith and to be empowered to change the world for Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank you for each and every precious child you’ve entrusted to the families of FBA. Grant us the wisdom and strength to steadfastly point them to you, even as this world battles for their hearts. Please strengthen parents, guardians, and mentors to courageously raise a generation ready to fight the spiritual battles of tomorrow.  Let them look to you in times of trouble and stand firm on your Word in this dark world. May we not allow fear to diminish the greatness you have placed in the next generation. In Jesus' name, Amen.

2 Timothy 1:7
Mark 10:13-16