21 in '21 | Day 1

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Today is the beginning of our 21-day journey of prayer. It is also the first day of the countdown to the regathering of our congregation on February 7. Let’s enter into agreement, asking God to draw us back together in a spirit of love, worship, and unity. Let’s take time right now to ask that He fill our hearts with holy anticipation over the reality that after such a long time of separation, we will finally be together once again!

Heavenly Father, we thank you that throughout this pandemic you have sustained us as your people. We ask you to use this journey of prayer to prepare our hearts to return to our house of worship. Help us to realize that it’s not just about going back to a building; it’s about entering into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise. Speak to us during these weeks. Give us humble hearts to seek you and holy hands to raise in adoration. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 100


21 in '21 | Day 2

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Today in America, we remember the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In his Letter from Birmingham Jail, he noted how the truths of the Gospel drove his struggle for freedom and equality in the Civil Rights Movement. Let us follow his example by asking God to show us how to live out the Gospel in tangible ways that confront injustice and promote the well-being of every person made in God’s image.

Our Father, we want to thank you for the work of Dr. King and so many others who fought to see that the dignity and respect to which every human is entitled would be denied to none. Please show us today how to honor that legacy by working for the eternal and earthly well-being of every person for whom Christ died. Show us practical ways to be doers of your word today, so our lives can point forward to a time when “justice will roll down like a river and righteousness like an overflowing stream.” In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Amos 5:4
James 1:22-25
Micah 6:8


21 in '21 | Day 3

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Across these 21 days, we will focus on different ways to pray. Today, let’s pray today for the men of FBA. Let’s pray that men will be marked by integrity and vigilance in their vocations. Let’s pray that each husband will express his love for his wife. For the fathers, let’s ask that they show the right blend of tenderness and strength when guiding their children. Let’s pray that all of our men would be bold and powerful witnesses for Christ.

Father, thank you for the faithful men who belong to FBA. Strengthen them to continue being men of honor and integrity in their occupations. Let your favor be upon their work. Grant the husbands of our church the grace to love their wives well. Help the fathers to shepherd their children with steady hands and tender hearts. Let them be courageous witnesses for your truth. Help them to reflect the grace and strength of our Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ephesians 5:25; 6:4
1 Corinthians 16:13


21 in '21 | Day 4

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Today, America will inaugurate our 46th president. Leading and uniting so great a nation is a daunting task under the best of circumstances. Most of us will agree that these times are not the “best of circumstances.” The Apostle Paul’s admonition to pray for our leaders seems as important now as ever. We need God’s wisdom to guide our nation forward, and our president will need righteous voices speaking into his decisions.

Almighty God, we want to ask you to guide our new President, Vice-President, and leaders at every level of government. We want to ask that your wisdom would fill their hearts and minds, guiding our nation on a path that pleases and honors you. Use them to create a context in which we can live peaceful, godly lives and in which your Gospel can go forth and thrive. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1 Timothy 2:1-4


21 in '21 | Day 5

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This past year has been difficult for churches, especially for spiritual leaders. Unfortunately, there are no classes in seminary on how to lead during a global pandemic (maybe there will be after this!). Pastors were forced to make big changes in how they led and served their churches. This required tough decisions and personal sacrifices. Let’s take a minute to remember them before the Lord.

Good Shepherd, thank you for the pastors that you have given your flock in Atlanta, America, and across the globe. Thank you for those who have stood firmly on your Word as beacons of hope during a tumultuous year. Help them to experience an extra awareness of your love and presence today. Ease the burdens they carry and overflow their hearts with your joy and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jeremiah 3:15
Hebrews 13:17


21 in '21 | Day 6

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“People are now ready to listen to a Christian.” Nabil Costa, FBA Faith Promise Missionary serving in Lebanon, made this comment while describing the situation “on the ground” today, six months after the explosion that rocked the port of Beirut, leaving 300,000 people instantly homeless. In a country that is 99% Muslim, “rich and poor are all on the same level now,” he said. “It is time to practice our faith 100 percent!”

Heavenly Father, thank you for missionaries like Nabil with whom we have the privilege of partnering all over the world. May your light shine through believers not only in Lebanon, but in every nation where people desperately need to know you. Give believers boldness as they witness in word and deed. May people in every land come to know you in these days! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Matthew 5:14-16
Ephesians 5:15-16


21 in '21 | Day 7

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Gratitude operates as a kind of spiritual weed-killer. Without it, bitterness, envy, and pride can sprout up in our hearts, choking out the humility and joy which belong there. Liberal doses of thankfulness, applied often, help us to remember our dependence on God and relish his kindness. This is why we are going to end each week with an expression of gratefulness to God for his favor and kindness.

Gracious Lord, thank you so much for your kindness towards me. It is astounding that out of over seven billion people on earth, you take an interest in the details of my life. Yet you do. Thank you! Help me never forget your goodness to me personally. Help me to look at each aspect of my life through the lens of gratitude, remembering that every good and perfect gift has come from you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

James 1:17