21 in '21 | Day 19


icon prayer


Today, let’s pray for all the hurting people across our nation. The pandemic has significantly increased anxiety and frustration for people seeking medical treatment for themselves or loved ones. The mandatory isolation of those in hospitals and nursing homes has greatly increased concern for patients and families. So many people feel all alone, navigating difficult circumstances without the presence of friends and family. Others are enduring economic hardships. This is just a sampling of those across our country who desperately need to know the “God of all comfort.”

Father, we are grateful for the privilege to draw near and come boldly to your throne, receiving mercy and finding grace in the time of need. Our nation is full of people in need of your peace and comfort. As the Great Physician, let your healing sweep across our land. Show us how to be agents of your comfort and hope, pointing souls back to the true source of life—your Son, our blessed Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

II Corinthians 1:3-7