21 in '21 | Day 8

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Let’s begin our week with a time of praise. 2 Chronicles 20 tells the story of a time when, threatened by hostile armies, the king of Israel went into battle with his choir on the front-line singing praises to God. Admittedly, this is probably not a strategy that most generals (or choir members) would recommend. But it worked! Because they put God first, he fought on their behalf. As we enter a new year and a new stage in the life of our church, let’s employ this same strategy. By beginning with praise, let’s invite God to fight on our behalf!

Almighty God, we want to begin our week by just taking a moment to stop and praise you. You are the maker of heaven and earth, the beginning and the end. No problem is big enough to thwart your power and no detail small enough to escape your notice. Help us praise our way through whatever battles come this week, knowing that you are able to do “exceedingly abundantly more” than anything we could imagine. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ephesians 3:20
2 Chronicles 20:14-30


21 in '21 | Day 9

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Today we are going to pray about developing a heavenly perspective. It’s really all about focus. Do you remember what it was like learning to drive, how nerve-racking it was trying to keep the car centered in the lane? A good driving instructor teaches his students to keep their eyes focused forward and not to be distracted by anything else. Too many accidents are caused by distracted drivers. The same is true of our Christian lives. We must not allow distractions to shift our focus away from our heavenly destination. Instead, we must “set our eyes on things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.”

Lord Jesus, help us to maintain a heavenly perspective today. As distractions and trials come our way, help us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on you. Give us spiritual focus that refuses to be distracted by fear, pride, greed or any other temptation. Help us to remember that our true home is in heaven and not in this world. And thank you for loving and forgiving us even when we allow our distractions to draw us away from you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Colossians 3:1-2


21 in '21 | Day 10

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Today, our focus in prayer is for the women of FBA. Let’s pray that every woman will excel in her calling with integrity and diligence. Let’s ask God to guide women in each role they fill, whether in their career, in the home, as daughters, as sisters, as wives, as mothers, and as followers of Christ. Pray for God to make them sources of both grace and truth for their families. May God allow them to see fruit from their labors this week and utilize them as bold, powerful witnesses for Christ.

Father, we thank you for all the women in the family of God here at FBA.  Grant them favor as they work and serve in the areas to which you’ve called them. Let them flourish in each role and relationship that you’ve placed in their lives. Help them to continue being fountains of encouragement and wisdom for their families. Help them to carve out time throughout the day to be nourished and rejuvenated in your presence. Pour your joy into their hearts as they reflect your love to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Proverbs 31:10-31


21 in '21 | Day 11

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Today, let’s pray for the regathering of FBA. In eleven days, many will have the opportunity to enter our Worship Center again for the first time in ten months. We know that the church is the people, not the building. Yet there is something special about a building where so many praises have been sung and sermons preached, where people have accepted Christ, been baptized, taken communion, grown in faith, pledged marriage vows, dedicated babies, uttered countless prayers. Let’s take a moment and thank God for clearing our path back home to FBA.

Dear God, thank you for providing the technology and ability for us to meet throughout this pandemic. But there truly is something special about gathering with your people in your house of worship. Thank you for this opportunity! Prepare your people—those who will be in the Worship Center on February 7 and those who will still worship online—for a time of glorious celebration. Please hasten the day when COVID-19 is a memory, and all your people can safely return to worship together! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 84:10-12


21 in '21 | Day 12

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Today, let’s focus in prayer on our nation. It seems pretty safe to say that cordiality has disappeared from the American public square. More than ever, the world needs to see an alternative in the church. They need to see a real community bound together by something deeper than political affiliation or personal interest. Let’s pray that the church will be unified through the Holy Spirit, so that it will shine as a beacon of hope to our divided nation.

Father, your word tells us that there are no divisions in Christ. No matter how different we may seem, we are one in Jesus. Help us to live out that unity in Atlanta and across America. Please use our example to draw our divided nation to the true source of harmony and healing, the cross of Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

John 17:21-23
I Corinthians 1:10


21 in '21 | Day 13

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FBA is blessed to have so many members who pray, give, and serve in order for people to experience the love of Jesus. Even through this pandemic, our members have prepared care packages for local nursing homes, ministered in half-way houses, assisted in hosting seven Red Cross blood drives, filled almost 5,000 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, supplied 140 industrial barrels of food for the needy, and led the way in a recent Christmas outreach to hundreds of refugee children at Clarkston. And these are just a few! Let’s pray that God will fill our church with an even greater passion to pray, give, and serve in the days to come!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunities that you’ve given FBA to share God’s love. What a privilege it is to join in your mission of reconciling the world to yourself! Lord of the Harvest, please fill us with the passion and heartbeat of Jesus to seek and save the lost, to take the light into the darkest places of hurt and need—in Atlanta and around the world. Use us in even greater ways in the future. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Matthew 9:35-38


21 in '21 | Day 14

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Let’s take a moment to give thanks. In a world filled with negative headlines, it is comforting to receive good news. The good news for today is that God did not leave us powerless. In particular, he has gifted us with the ability to express gratitude by praising and adoring Him. Intentional thankfulness silences the discouraging voice of the enemy. It is difficult to maintain a negative outlook when we’re continually counting our blessings before the Lord.

Father, we thank you for the precious gift of life. Help us not to take for granted another day to breathe, move, and live. Thank you for making a way for us to enjoy this day with the never-ending assurance that we are in your presence. We live in the victory you’ve already achieved for us. We win because of the battle you’ve already won for us at the cross. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Colossians 4:2
Psalm 95:1-6