• Clean up a widow’s or single mother’s yard.
  • Deliver snacks, baked goods or lunch to a fire station or police station.
  • Offer free car washes.
  • Serve your neighborhood school.
  • Deliver fresh flowers or snacks to assisted living home residents.
  • Perform landscaping services like grass-cutting and shrub-trimming.
  • Serve a family with a member with special needs.
  • Community trash pick-up
  • Spread pine straw or mulch at a local park.
  • Wash windows for local businesses using professional window washing supplies available at local building supply stores.
  • Put together dinner kits for families in need.
  • Corral shopping carts at a local supermarket or shopping center.
  • Pick up trash in parking lots at a local supermarket or shopping center.
  • Laundromat Assistance: take rolls of quarters, coffee, juice and donuts and have fun serving customers
  • Toilet and bathroom cleaning at local businesses

There are so many ideas for serving! Get creative and have a blast thinking through how to Serve ATL!

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