Ministry Partner Funding Application

Thank you for allowing us the privilege of considering your funding request for the 2023 calendar year. Please provide detailed answers to the following questions along with an explanation of how these funds will impact the following ministry areas:

  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Church Planting
  • Christian Nurture (Pastoral, Teaching, etc.)

Other areas that we consider important for ministry partner funding include clear vision and goals, impact and development of people, financial integrity, regular communication, understanding how our involvement will increase the capacity of your ministry and a mutually beneficial relationship that provides opportunities for FBA members to be involved with your ministry. Please return the completed form to Pat Ragan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by December 15, 2022. Requests received after this date may not receive consideration until the month after we receive your completed form.