Worship Orchestra Member Guide

Membership is open to skilled players, grade 11 and up, by audition / interview.

Attendance Standard
Be here. We need all of us to sound our best. If parts are missing, it greatly affects what we can do. If you need to miss, please speak with the director ahead of time.

Spiritual Preparation
Scripture teaches that only those with clean hands and a pure heart may stand in His holy place (Psalm 24:3-4). Orchestra members need to be right with God to be usable by Him.

We also need to be growing in our walk with Him, through personal prayer and study of His Word. It is vital that orchestra members hear the message each week; playing in worship is only part of the reason we attend. Everyone is also encouraged to attend Sunday morning Bible study. An orchestra Bible study class meets after the music portion of the second service is finished.

Musical Preparation
In 2 Samuel 24:24 we are encouraged to make costly sacrifices to God. Orchestra members should be ready to play what is needed each week. Regular playing during the week is essential to musical growth. Players are encouraged to take music home when extra preparation is necessary.

Players need to be ready to begin at the given time, which necessitates arriving in time to warm up and get music together. Professional players usually arrive 30 minutes early for this preparation. Orchestra members with families and jobs need to do their best to arrive early enough to be prepared to begin on time. As a group, we will begin on time and end on time.

Wednesdays | 7-9 p.m. | Orchestra Room

All orchestra members need to attend rehearsals. Rehearsals are for the benefit of both the individual player and the group as a whole. Each player improves and the group improves from the participation of strong players.

We are a "family" in orchestra, but please make sure that conversations during rehearsal do not disrupt the work being done.

Dress for all services is concert black. Orchestra members are encouraged to bring their Bibles and a notebook.

Sunday Morning Schedule

8:00 a.m. Pre-Service Run-Through | Rehearsal, Tuning, Prayer | Orchestra Room 
8:30 a.m. Load Pit | Enter Through Back Doors in North Hallway
8:40 a.m. Pit Raises
8:45 a.m. First Service
10:20 a.m. Load Pit
10:25 a.m. Pit Raises
10:30 a.m. Second Service

While we are playing during the service, please avoid watching the IMAG screens. They distract us from keeping our attention on the music and the conductor.

After the music, the pit is lowered and we leave through the landing stairs. Orchestra members may then go to hear the message in the worship center or orchestra room, or they go to Bible study.