Family Heritage Foundation (FHF) is a Christian ministry focused on serving at-risk youth and refugee families in Clarkston, Georgia. Clarkston is home to many refugees because of the low cost of housing and its access to Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). FHF offers after-school programs, summer programs, youth development programs, microenterprise training programs and computer training.
Every child is a gift. He/she is tomorrow's leader, the hope for our future, the strength and pillar of our nation. Every child deserves a safe haven with responsive, loving care, and opportunities that develop character and provide social equality. FHF believes it is essential to provide the fundamental needs of families in order for children to become successful. They also believe that a safe community produces a healthy family. These families have a need for spiritual, social, physical and intellectual development.
Family Heritage Foundation has a vision for safer communities, stronger families and responsible youth. They work hard to ensure that these youth and their families have access to educational and enrichment programs. Consequently, these youth and families can work together to develop their communities and make them safer. As a result of more opportunities for social equality, crime rates and penury levels will drop significantly.
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