The world is changing and with those changes come challenges. First Baptist Atlanta, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, is ready to accept the challenge of fulfilling the Great Commission in this changing world. Moving beyond an epic vision begun in 1979, FBA continues to develop strategic partnerships, a shared vision with our Faith Promise Missionaries, and alliances that enable our fellowship to engage in Global Missions.
The FBA Global Mission Ministry represents the following: To touch the world with the Word of God, motivated by a passion for God and compassion for people. We believe that in obedience to the Great Commission, every believer of Jesus Christ, young and old, men and women, boys and girls are to be involved – not just for a day or a week, but throughout the entire year.
Growing beyond faithful praying, sacrificial financial giving and individual going, our priorities include:
- Creating Local Leadership – FBA combines both teaching and hands-on experience to develop leaders to actively participate in the Great Commission.
- Leveraging Global Leadership – FBA engages the experience of Great Commission-building organizations and individuals throughout the Global Community.
- Unleashing FBA Leadership – FBA aligns our current initiatives and leadership with Strategic Global Partners to reach the nations for God’s glory.
In order to accomplish this vision, based on these priorities, we cannot work alone. In fact, it is when the Body of Christ works in unity, utilizing our complementary strengths and encouragement that we experience the following results:
- An exponential and inexpensive exposure to the Gospel
- A connection to nation-impacting churches and pastors
- The follow-up and formation of shared goals and initiatives
- Development of Church Leaders, Church Planters, and regional Mission Movements
- Strategic Global Relationships with Great Commission Partners
- Ultimately, changed lives
Each fall, the Global Missions Ministry hosts their annual mission’s conference whereby our Faith Promise Missionaries and members come together to celebrate this Vision. In this environment, members of our fellowship are challenged, inspired and invited to become involved in the FBA Global Mission program. Over these years, the conference seeks to:
- Enlarge our vision of world missions.
- Enlist prayer support and awareness for our missionaries.
- Encourage financial support for our world mission strategy.
- Engage our members with a challenge “to go!”
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came to this world to bring hope for eternity. He commanded his followers to, “Go and make disciples in all nations…” (Matthew 28:19-20). As we place our faith in the Lord of the Harvest, we recognize the great opportunity, stewardship and responsibility for evangelism, discipleship, and the urgency to see lives changed – forever!