
Why Give?
We give as an act of worship because Jesus first gave to us. Your faithfulness in giving allows First Baptist Atlanta to play a role in furthering God’s Kingdom.


Make a one-time contribution using your bank account or bank card. You also have the option to set up automatic giving, where you choose the start date, frequency, and amount.

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Text to Give
Text to 251-FBA GIVE (251-322-4483) with the message “GIVE” and donation amount (e.g., GIVE 100).

In Person
Give in person on Sundays by dropping your gift in the Giving Boxes in the Worship Center or in one of the several drop boxes located throughout the building.

By Mail
Mail your gift to:
First Baptist Atlanta
ATTN: Finance
4400 N. Peachtree Rd
Atlanta, GA 30338-5807

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